Information on How to Get Ordained and Register as a Minister

How to get ordained and perform a wedding or ceremony in Nevada.

Since 2010, Open Ministry has been ordaining and helping people all over the world perform weddings, ceremony and other sacerdotal duties. This page focuses on requirements and information for Nevada, if you don't need the States Statues or ordination information for Nevada scroll down to the bottom of the page for links to other states.

Let's get started with the information for Nevada

If you are planning to or you have been asked to perform a wedding ceremony in Nevada, or simply need to to the information on this page will assist you. If you still have questions we invite you to visit our FAQ or contact us for more detailed information. We are here to help and support our ministers and congregation.

Registered Ministers with Open Ministry have successfully performed thousands of marriages in Nevada and around the world!

The Ordination and Officiant information is provided below in an easy five step layout which is designed help walk you through the most common steps on registering to become a minister for Nevada and how perform a wedding ceremony in Nevada.

Step 1 - How to Become Ordained Step 1 - How to Become Ordained

Step 2 - Contact The County Clerk Step 2 - Contact The County Clerk

Step 3 - Getting Licensed to Perform the Marriage Step 3 - Getting Licensed to Perform the Marriage

Step 4 - How to Perform the Wedding Step 4 - How to Perform the Wedding

State Statutes for Nevada

Credentials for Registration in Nevada


If you plan to perform a wedding in Douglas, Elko, Washoe county, you may be required to present the Affidavit of Authority to Solemnize Marriages.

Clark County (Las Vegas) requires that you to complete their online application prior to performing any ceremony. See our blog about registering with Clark County

122.062 Licensed, ordained or appointed ministers, other persons authorized to solemnize a marriage and chaplains of Armed Forces to obtain certificates from county clerk; temporary replacements; solemnization by minister or other authorized person who resides in 

  1. Any licensed, ordained or appointed minister or other person authorized to solemnize a marriage in good standing within his or her church or religious organization, or either of them, incorporated, organized or established in this State, may join together as husband and wife persons who present a marriage license obtained from any county clerk of the State, if the minister or other person authorized to solemnize a marriage first obtains a certificate of permission to perform marriages as provided in NRS 122.062 to 122.073, inclusive. The fact that a minister or other person authorized to solemnize a marriage is retired does not disqualify him or her from obtaining a certificate of permission to perform marriages if, before retirement, the minister or other person authorized to solemnize a marriage had active charge of a church or religious organization for a period of at least 3 years.
  2. A temporary replacement for a licensed, ordained or appointed minister or other person authorized to solemnize a marriage certified pursuant to NRS 122.062 to 122.073, inclusive, may solemnize marriages pursuant to subsection 1 during such time as he or she may be authorized to do so by the county clerk in the county in which he or she is a temporary replacement, for a period not to exceed 90 days. The minister or other person authorized to solemnize a marriage whom he or she temporarily replaces shall provide him or her with a written authorization which states the period during which it is effective.
  3. Any chaplain who is assigned to duty in this State by the Armed Forces of the United States may solemnize marriages if the chaplain obtains a certificate of permission to perform marriages from the county clerk of the county in which his or her duty station is located. The county clerk shall issue such a certificate to a chaplain upon proof of his or her military status as a chaplain and of his or her assignment.
  4. A county clerk may authorize a licensed, ordained or appointed minister or other person authorized to solemnize a marriage whose residence and church or religious organization is in another state or who is retired, if his or her service was as described in subsection 1, to perform marriages in the county if the county clerk is satisfied that the minister or other person authorized to solemnize a marriage is in good standing with his or her church or religious organization pursuant to this section. The authorization must be in writing and need not be filed with any other public officer. A separate authorization is required for each marriage performed. Such a minister or other person authorized to solemnize a marriage may perform not more than five marriages in this State in any calendar year and must acknowledge that he or she is subject to the jurisdiction of the county clerk with respect to the provisions of this chapter governing the conduct of ministers or other persons authorized to solemnize a marriage to the same extent as if he or she were a minister or other person authorized to solemnize a marriage residing in this State.

 Title 11: Domestic Relations - Chapter 122: Marriage - Certificates of Permission to Perform Marriages (Added to NRS by 1967, 1289; A 1969, 37; 1993, 1462; 1997, 2040; 1999, 520, 541; 2009, 724)

122.066 Database of ministers or other persons authorized to solemnize a marriage; maintenance of database by Secretary of State; entry of certain information into database by county clerk; approval of application for certificate; validity of certificate; revocation 

  1. The Secretary of State shall establish and maintain a statewide database of ministers or other persons authorized to solemnize a marriage. The database must:
    1. Serve as the official list of ministers or other persons authorized to solemnize a marriage approved in this State;
    2. Provide for a single method of storing and managing the official list;
    3. Be a uniform, centralized and interactive database;
    4. Be electronically secure and accessible to each county clerk in this State;
    5. Contain the name, mailing address and other pertinent information of each minister or other person authorized to solemnize a marriage as prescribed by the Secretary of State; and
    6. Include a unique identifier assigned by the Secretary of State to each minister or other person authorized to solemnize a marriage.
  2. If the county clerk approves an application for a certificate of permission to perform marriages, the county clerk shall:
    1. Enter all information contained in the application into the electronic statewide database of ministers or other persons authorized to solemnize a marriage maintained by the Secretary of State not later than 10 days after the certificate of permission to perform marriages is approved by the county clerk; and
    2. Provide to the Secretary of State all information related to the minister or other person authorized to solemnize a marriage pursuant to paragraph (e) of subsection 1.
  3. Upon approval of an application pursuant to subsection 2, the minister or other person authorized to solemnize a marriage:
    1. Shall comply with the laws of this State governing the solemnization of marriage and conduct of ministers or other persons authorized to solemnize a marriage;
    2. Is subject to further review or investigation by the county clerk to ensure that he or she continues to meet the statutory requirements for a person authorized to solemnize a marriage; and
    3. Shall provide the county clerk with any changes to his or her status or information, including, without limitation, the address or telephone number of the church or religious organization or any other information pertaining to certification.
  4. A certificate of permission is valid until the county clerk has received an affidavit of revocation of authority to solemnize marriages pursuant to NRS 122.0665.
  5. An affidavit of revocation of authority to solemnize marriages that is received pursuant to subsection 4 must be sent to the county clerk within 5 days after the minister or other person authorized to solemnize a marriage ceased to be a member of the church or religious organization in good standing or ceased to be a minister or other person authorized to solemnize a marriage for the church or religious organization.
  6. If the county clerk in the county where the certificate of permission was issued has reason to believe that the minister or other person authorized to solemnize a marriage is no longer in good standing within his or her church or religious organization, or that he or she is no longer a minister or other person authorized to solemnize a marriage, or that such church or religious organization no longer exists, the county clerk may require satisfactory proof of the good standing of the minister or other person authorized to solemnize a marriage. If such proof is not presented within 15 days, the county clerk shall revoke the certificate of permission by amending the electronic record of the minister or other person authorized to solemnize a marriage in the statewide database pursuant to subsection 1.
  7. If any minister or other person authorized to solemnize a marriage to whom a certificate of permission has been issued severs ties with his or her church or religious organization or moves from the county in which his or her certificate was issued, the certificate shall expire immediately upon such severance or move, and the church or religious organization shall, within 5 days after the severance or move, file an affidavit of revocation of authority to solemnize marriages pursuant to NRS 122.0665. If the minister or other person authorized to solemnize a marriage voluntarily advises the county clerk of the county in which his or her certificate was issued of his or her severance with his or her church or religious organization, or that he or she has moved from the county, the certificate shall expire immediately upon such severance or move without any notification to the county clerk by the church or religious organization.
  8. The Secretary of State may adopt regulations concerning the creation and administration of the statewide database. This section does not prohibit the Secretary of State from making the database publicly accessible for the purpose of viewing ministers or other persons who are authorized to solemnize a marriage in this State. 

Title 11: Domestic Relations - Chapter 122: Marriage - Authentication of Marriage - Certificates of Permission to Perform Marriages (Added to NRS by 1967, 1290; A 1969, 92; 1971, 1550; 2009, 728)