Add Minister Wallet Card
Add Ceremony Booklet
In most states the standard letter will suffice for registration.
Add Minister Parking Pass
Add Minister Vinyl Sticker

This package is perfect for the minister that wants to perform marriage ceremonies. Display your official Credentials of Ministry to proudly announce your status as an ordained minister. Give a keepsake Marriage Certificate to the couple-to-be as a commemorative gift. The Wedding Officiant Certificate is an additional credential to showcase your status as an officiant.

Ceremony Package includes:

The quality of work is excellent. It is very professionally done and something the bride and groom can display with pride.
The product that i received was a great help especially the booklet that guides me to do what i need to get done in the proper and professional way.
I thought that the materials in the package were nice looking and official,however, the cost being charged was disproportional to their value. The most important item was the cerfication of good standing which would be needed in some jurisdictions. The Ceremony Booklet, while put together well, and provides a clear version of the ceremony, this same information could also be found on the internet without cost. I have no problem with a fee to be charged for the privilege of being a member of the ministry and therefore eligible to conduct wedding ceremonies, but this fund raising should not be disguised in overcharging or charging for the various packages.
Very comprehensive kit. This was worth the money to make sure you know what to do & how to say it.
I received everything very fast and without any issues. The only feedback that I can give you, in the way of improvement. Is to explain the process a bit better on how to marry someone. For an example: When your performing the ring ceremony, do you start with the groom, or the bride? The reason I ask this is my daughter wanted me to be the minister, and since this is my first time I wanted it to somewhat sound like I may know what I'm doing. So I guess my feedback is to add a little bit more info for "Dummies". Or have help pages for Dummies.. :-)
Package that I received was sent out promply and was great quality!
Thank you as it came in time for my son and future daughter-in-laws wedding.
Thanks again for the great service.
Ben Pittam
Received in timely manner, looks professional.
Received in timely manner, looks professional.
Received in timely manner, looks professional.
I was pleased with the certificates and items sent. The responce was very timely and prompt.
Good Morning Brothers and Sisters,
I am very proud to be a part of Open Ministries. I have spent the last 20 years of my life dedicated to deepening my spirituality and trying to become a better messenger for other Native Americans. I like your packages and intend to purchase more within the coming months. Keep up the good work and bless you all.
Rev.David Hawkins
Wonderful tools that im happy to use. The only thing id say is the corners were bent a little due to shipping/travel. so maybe put in a hard plastic folder, binder, or something of the like.
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