Open Ministry - Get Ordained, Online Ordinations

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In most states the standard letter will suffice for registration purposes.
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Official Minister Vinyl Sticker

This package is great for ministers who are just getting started, you will get your official Letter of Good Standing and Ordination Credential with a certificate holder to protect your credentials. Display your credentials at home, office or other special place to proudly announce your status as an ordained minister. Certificates include our gold embossed Ministry Seal. Our standard base package is ideal for newly ordained ministers who need their credentials of ministry for registration and display.

Ordination Package includes:

Greetings in Jesus name,
I was away for awhile. I receive The Ordination Pacakage and it was in good condition. The Documents look very good, it was professionally done.
I trust God That when I go to the City Clerk, there will be no problems. Thank you so much, for Open Ministry was of such Great help to me. I will contact you if I have any questions. May God continue to Bless you richly.
Peace and Love
Minister Jessel Jack.
The ordination package was shipped to me promptly and contained all the promised materials. Thanks to the Open Ministery for their time and consideration.


Dave Pilkey
Open Ministries has sent a very beautiful package that has tools needed with my continuing avocation of service to other.

I work with people who have just suffered the loss of a family member. Having something to say that makes a difference would be most helpful.
The only difficulty I am facing has nothing to do with this wonderful package, but with what to say to those who have to know "where did you go to school? or "Where did you study?".
This Ordination Package is very much professional and the feel and look is of high quality in my opinion and well put together, the price is very reasonable not to mention shipping only took 2 days. This is a great opportunity for myself to better be able to win souls for Christ. As the church and world put so much emphasis on being license and or ordained. Thank you so much Open Ministries for a job well done!
The ordination certificate is very profesional looking. I put it in a frame and hung it on my wall in my computer room/office
I am pleased with all of it.
I recieved everything in a timely manner and I am well pleased with everything.
thanks,for everything! i'm using my ordination credentials to preform weddings,baptisms,and prayer services/other services to help others. its turned my life around, and prepair for the future in a more positive be closer to GOD, and JESUS CHRIST!
Looks good, certifiicate is framable and the letter professional. Thanks.
This is a GREAT package. Very High Quality. Had a problem trying to get registered through the courts due to the Letter Of Good Standing showing the state of CA. Tried a couple of different court houses and finally got registered.
The 4 couples I have married now, were really pleased with my credentials and custom certificate.
I highly recommend this package.
God Bless.
Good starter package, it had everything I needed to get the job done. The Certificates look very nice and very official, and I had no problem in 3 different states getting registered
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