good morning and God bless upon reviewing this information and my Ordainment, I'm very excited about getting out to do the Lords work more. My first wedding wil be our daughters in July of this year and hoping to book more and be able to minster to all the way the Lord wants not on how the humans wants us to teach thank you for being there for those who want to be of service to those the lord calls on.
Thank you again, Rev. Barry Dean
Thank you so much for your service and your package.
My internet has been down so sorry about the delay in responsing. I did receive my supplies and everything is fine.
Archie McLemore
Just wanted to thank you for Ordaining me on 01/14/2012 I Married one of my Sons, it was a very emotional and beautiful Ceremony.

Thank you again and God bless your ministry.
Very good service God bless
IMPRESSED! Open Ministry I am very impressed by your services and how fast my package arrived.

Thank you so much for offering this service.
This has been such a blessing to me, I really love that God came to me, instead of me searching for Him. Like the word says,,, stand still and watch the salvation of the Lord. Deepest Reguards, and Thanks Mrs. Rev. Joyce Sanders.
As Founder and President of In God Image Ministry ( A Women's Ministry) for the last 8 years and and Associate Pastor at El Faro Church for the last 2 years I found that I need the required credential to performed other services.

After receiving my credential from Open Ministry I was able to conduct my first Official Solo Wedding. The expected package and all the support materials came on time and the ceremony was beautiful.
And for that I thank you,
God Bless you
Thank you so much for having me. I will soon continue by sending for my official credintials, Till then god bless
and thanks again...
Rev. Bruce V. Nichols
Greetings In Jesus Name,
I did, in fact, receive my package from you & am very pleased with all your products. Thank you so much for your prompt response & the startup documents.

The disciple whom Jesus loves,
Charlotte Luerssen
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