I've been an ordained minister with open ministry every since 2016 and I love it and may God bless you all for what y'all do at the open ministry in California
Hello! I have been an ordained minister with Open Ministry since 2017. I am thankful for their unique services. Also, thankful that my credentials are accepted in Pennsylvania. I strive to serve the Lord daily and inspire people to walk with God. I wanted to take a professional leap by obtaining my credentials to officiate weddings, provide pre-marital counseling, and perform baptisms.
I wanted to officiate my brother and cousin's wedding. I live in the NYC metro area and if it has been a nightmare trying to register as an officiant. The documents sent to me were insufficient. I know this because I tried every which way for FOUR times sending these documents in to become an officiant. Due to COVID, all documents need to be sent into the marriage bureau and they don't answer their phones to answer questions. So, I had to painstakingly send them via snail mail to be approved, but each time it was sent back.

I also tried reaching out to Open Ministry via email twice and they never answered back. I now realize that I was missing one piece of paper (the article of incorporation, a required documents for NYC officiant registration).

--------------Open Ministry response------------------


We responded to your inquires via our help support system on (11/25/20, 10:05 AM and again on 3/1/21, 9:06 AM and again today Monday, April 26, 2021 at 9:22 AM)

We have a very close relationship with the clerk in NYC, they even have copies of our letters on file! From your order history we see that you did not request the Letter of Good Standing for NYC which includes the required information for registering with the clerk. Perhaps that is what caused your issues in registering? We have thousands of ministers who apply and get approved each year in NY and NYC. Please reach out to our help and support desk at https://support.oministry.com if you have any further questions. We appreciate your feedback.

Doy mis felicitaciones a Open Ministry quienes dan el respaldo a quienes nos dedicamos al ministerio. El año 2020 realmente fue un año que disfrute al máximo en mi labor ministerial. Pido disculpas porque no he tenido contacto como debería tener con Open Ministry. Doy las gracias porque llegó mi título honorario a Chile sin ningún problema, se demoro un poco por el contexto sanitario actual, algo entendible que escapa de las manos de Open Ministry. Tengo la certeza que todos tuvimos un año 2020 muy ocupado, este 2021 tengo mucho trabajo en el ministerio, algo que será de bendición para muchas personas. Que el Creador bendiga a todos mis hermanos de Open Ministry y ministros alrededor del mundo.

(I congratulate Open Ministry who support those of us who dedicate ourselves to ministry. The year 2020 was truly a year that I enjoyed to the fullest in my ministerial work. I apologize that I have not had contact as I should have with Open Ministry. I am grateful because my honorary title arrived in Chile without any problem, it was delayed a bit due to the current health context, something understandable that escapes the hands of Open Ministry. I am certain that we all had a very busy 2020, this 2021 I have a lot of work in the ministry, something that will be a blessing for many people. May the Creator bless all my Open Ministry brothers and ministers around the world.)
With Open Ministry behind me i feel that my work with the disabled and elderly has more meaning.I do apologize i have not stayed in touch as i should have with the ministry i am sure we have all had a busy crazy 2020.GOD bless you all .
I am greatful to be a part of the Open Ministry orginization,thank you for all your support it has been a busy 2020 and i have not stayed in touch as much as i could have.GOD Bless you all.
Hello I need a open ministry representative to call me, I'm trying to get everything in order for my sister to be able to perform my wedding. She became ordained on December 16th 2020 but now she needs a letter of good standing please call me I need help


We are following up on your inquiry. We want you to have the information you need to help in your ministerial endeavors. We recommend ministers hold current church ordination documentation as a record of clergy status for registration and display. Open Ministry is a church registered with the State of California; with the purpose to guide and support the church in its mission, outreach, and community services. Our Ministry has the right and privilege to ordain ministers. Our ministers have the same powers and rights as ordained clergy for religious ceremonies, weddings, and other sacerdotal rites.

Marriage laws vary per state and county, it is important to be familiarized and know the ministerial requirements set forth by your state and local government. States can require official documentation to register with the County Clerk or Agency that records marriages in the County you want to perform ceremonies. Contact the county clerk or agency that will be issuing the couple’s marriage license for information, see our Marriage Laws for details at: https://www.oministry.com/ordained-marriage-laws.

We are pleased to offer you our services; we appreciate your support of Open Ministry. If you have questions after reading our Minister Guide, you can visit our informative FAQ section. For further assistance, please contact us by visiting https://support.oministry.com and we would be happy to assist you.

Grace & Peace,
Open Ministry
I am thankful for being a part of a great organization. Being able to do a work for God is truly a wonderful blessing. May all my family in this ministry be blessed. :)
I cannot find a cost to do this.


We are following up on your inquiry. We want you to have the information you need to help in your ministerial endeavors. Our ministry does not charge membership fees, ordinations are 100% free and granted for life. Our official credentials are not state-specific, they are valid in all 50 states. We recommend ministers acquire church ordination documentation as a record of clergy status for registration and display. You can request credentials through our bookstore at: https://www.oministry.com/credentials.

Open Ministry is a church registered with the State of California; with the purpose to guide and support the church in its mission, outreach, and community services. Our Ministry has the right and privilege to ordain ministers. Our ministers have the same powers and rights as ordained clergy for religious ceremonies, weddings, and other sacerdotal rites.

Marriage laws vary per state and county, it is important to be familiarized and know the ministerial requirements set forth by your state and local government. States can require official documentation to register with the County Clerk or Agency that records marriages in the County you want to perform ceremonies. Contact the county clerk or agency that will be issuing the couple’s marriage license for information, see our Marriage Laws for details at: https://www.oministry.com/ordained-marriage-laws.

We are pleased to offer you our services; we appreciate your support of Open Ministry. If you have questions after reading our Minister Guide, you can visit our informative FAQ section. For further assistance, please contact us by visiting: https://support.oministry.com

Grace & Peace,
Open Ministry
God is good
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